The Men’s Ministry of Crossroads exists to help men follow in the way of Jesus. Our aim is to live as He lived, walk as He walked, and love as He loved in all areas of our lives.

Love the Word of God

Study, discuss, and go deep in the scriptures to understand the God we serve and what He calls us to.

Led by the Spirit

Living each day with a sense of expectancy and surrender to the Holy Spirit so that we might be used in the community to share Jesus.

No Lone Rangers

We can’t win the battles we face in life on our own. We are made to be in friendships that are real and keep us accountable.

Bible Study

We have multiple Bible studies that meet weekly to study scripture, enjoy discussion, and fellowship. Stop by and check out one of the groups to see if it’s a fit for you!

6:00 am in the Coffee Shop
6:30 pm in the North Building

Wednesday Evenings
6:30 pm in the Coffee Shop. This group focuses on building relationships and discussing Sunday’s message.
6:30 pm in the Commons Suite. This group is for Bible studying and Bible doing.

Friday Mornings
9 am in the North Building


Join us for one of our quarterly Guys’ Night Out events, Men’s breakfast, or our yearly Men’s retreat. These are great opportunities to meet other men from Crossroads.

Men’s Breakfast
Have breakfast with men every other month on the second Saturday. Our next breakfast will be on Saturday, March 8. Please sign up to let us know you will be there, the cost is $5.

Guys’ Night
There’s nothing on the books yet, check back soon.

Men’s Retreat
Register today for this year’s men’s retreat at Del Oro Conference Center in Nevada City, February 28 – March 2. Cost varies by accommodation.


This group is for any man currently or having previously gone through a divorce or is separated. Come and seek the Lord through His word and gain support from other men going through this difficult season.

We currently do not have a group running. But if you are interested in joining the next group when it begins, contact the group leader, Mike.


Join other men in prayer for the needs of the church, those in it, and any other prayer needs.

Friday Meeting
6:30 – 8 am in the coffee shop

Sunday Meeting
Men & women are invited to join in praying for prodigals or those in our lives and community who don’t know the Lord. Pray together on the second Sunday of the month at 10 am in the High School Multi-Purpose Room.

Activities & Info

Being in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, there is a lot that our area offers us. From hiking, biking, skiing in Tahoe, or heading to the beach to surf, we want to explore it all! If you are up for an adventure, let us know! Text “@crcmm” (don’t forget the @ symbol) to the number 81010. We’ll keep you in the loop of our next outing as well as important info regarding men’s ministry.

Questions? Email us: